Friday, September 30, 2011

Welcome to my blog

Those who know me well can attest to the fact that, though I like to have the latest gadgets and technologies, I tend to take more of a wait-and-see approach before I fully utilize all their advantages. This blog is no exception. I’ve been badgered to start one for some time, and am only now coming to the realization that “it’s time to put up or shut up,” as they say. The challenge was coming up with the focus – who’s my audience and what do they care about (that I could share)?
So, I guess I’ve decided that I’m writing for men and women who practice public accounting and, like me, tend to keep abreast of the latest trends in technology and practice management for our profession, but are more cautious about fully embracing new ideas before they’re really battle-tested. I know I’m especially careful if the idea requires a change that impacts others in my organization or my clients.
I’ve been practicing for more than 35 years and it seems to me that the pace of change has accelerated over the last decade – particularly in the last few years. It’s hard just to keep up, never mind being able to identify which trends are merely fads and which will fundamentally change the way we work. This blog, “Going with the ‘flow,” will discuss the issues, changes and new ideas impacting how we work (and will work in the future) in hope of helping you assess whether it’s worth getting on board or if you should just let it pass.

Knowing that I don't know everything about anything, my goal is to get you to share - topics, ideas, your experiences, links, and other bits of wisdom you've learned along the way. Periodically, I may be lucky enough to feature a guest blogger with specific expertise on a given topic. So, don't be shy, let me know what you think.

Thanks for reading.