Monday, October 31, 2011

iPad - Tool or Toy?

Okay, I thought I would weigh in on the heavily debated question of where does the iPad fit into the arsenal tools for the CPA? This battle between the believers and non-believers will be waged until full enterprise solutions like the tax and engagement software are available for the Ipad and Iphone.

My perspective is a little different than most CPAs, since I also happen to be a software designer who is constantly looking for ways to improve the user experience of XCM.
Most people weighing in on this question focus on the content-related benefits of the iPad. I believe easy access to the Web and the vast amount of content that this forum brings to the CPA is worth the cost of the iPad itself - the accessibility of resources like for example.
Don’t get me wrong - being able to flip open the cover of the iPad and have it online is a huge advantage if you're a PC user and have to wait the intolerable 3 to 5 minutes of machine boot up time just to be able to access the Internet. That seems silly now.
Most people who use iPads would probably agree that the iPad was not made for and does not work very well with data intensive applications such as Excel or other spreadsheet solutions. It’s actually very difficult to manipulate data within a spreadsheet because of the size of the screen. And of course there are currently no tax and engagement packages in the App marketplace at this time.
What I find most interesting are the Apps that help keep things moving, whether it’s in your personal or business life. Being able to pay bills, look at bank information, or enter time in practice management, access the status of work or move a task (currently in development) - all within an App from your iPhone/iPad is an enormous advantage to people on the move, as opposed to waiting to get home and fire up the old PC.  It’s the convenience of the device that is of most benefit to those that use it.
So, do I think the iPad is a paper weight? No, I do not. Do I think people can throw away their laptops and use the iPad solely to get work done? That’s not realistic either. But where I think the iPad fits is just another tool in your bag that can be used to make your life easier and help you stay better informed. It also takes a little bit of stress out of your life with instant access to some, and I say some, of the applications we use to perform our work.

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